How Food Habits Affect Oral Health
There is the popular saying, “You are what you eat”. While it typically refers to the food you consume and how it affects your body, many people forget the effect your food choices and habits can have on your oral health. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, and everything you consume has to pass through your mouth. Each time you eat, there are food particles and bacteria that linger in your mouth, eventually turning to plaque. Your food choices and habits can greatly impact the level of bacteria in your mouth, leading to an increased risk of decay and other issues.
Eat at Meal Times
It is always best to eat at set mealtimes. Unfortunately, there are a number of people who enjoy snacking and eating multiple times throughout the day. This leads to high levels of plaque-causing bacteria that remain in your mouth. Another habit is sipping on sugary coffee and soft drinks throughout the day. We recommend trying to eat only at mealtimes, and if you need to snack, be sure to choose low-sugar foods. We also recommend drinking plenty of water each time you eat and drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Recognize Eating Habits
If you are someone who frequently experiences tooth decay, it is important to evaluate your habits to determine if you can help prevent further decay. It is never too late to change your eating habits if you eat foods high in sugar and snack frequently throughout the day. Make small changes to ensure that you are able to live with your new eating habits.
If it has been longer than six months since your last hygiene appointment be sure to contact our office located in Burton, MI to schedule an appointment. We can evaluate the state of your oral health and make any recommendations if treatment is needed. Remember, one small change now can greatly impact your oral health in a positive way.