If You Are Missing A Tooth, Consider A Dental Bridge

Patients who experience tooth loss often struggle to choose a tooth replacement option. Whether you have personally experienced this or not, you can imagine the frustration of choosing an option that is not only best for your budget but fits your lifestyle as well. One treatment that we often recommend when one or more teeth are missing is a dental bridge. Read on to learn more about a dental bridge and why we may recommend this treatment.

Why You Might Need A Dental Bridge

After experiencing tooth loss, it is extremely important to speak with us as soon as possible to learn about your tooth replacement options. Delaying the process to replace the tooth can lead to serious complications for your oral health, such as jawbone deterioration and uneven wear of teeth. Even if your smile hasn’t been affected and you are missing your molars in the back of your mouth, it can cause problems with the way you eat and digest food, as well as negatively affect your quality of life. We offer a number of replacement options, but one in particular is helpful in replacing one or multiple teeth – a dental bridge.