Why You Might Need A Dental Bridge
After experiencing tooth loss, it is extremely important to speak with us as soon as possible to learn about your tooth replacement options. Delaying the process to replace the tooth can lead to serious complications for your oral health, such as jawbone deterioration and uneven wear of teeth. Even if your smile hasn’t been affected and you are missing your molars in the back of your mouth, it can cause problems with the way you eat and digest food, as well as negatively affect your quality of life. We offer a number of replacement options, but one in particular is helpful in replacing one or multiple teeth – a dental bridge.
What is a Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge is a common and popular choice used to replace one or more missing teeth. Similar to a bridge that connects two pieces of land over a body of water, a dental bridge connects the teeth to each other over a missing tooth. A dental bridge is an artificial tooth structure that is used to fill in a gap where teeth are missing, have been extracted by a dentist, have experienced severe trauma, or are experiencing severe decay. It is an appliance that usually has a crown on either side and one or more prosthetic teeth in the middle and is attached, or anchored, to the natural teeth on either side.
Benefits of a Dental Bridge
We are so happy that we are able to provide bridges to patients who qualify for this treatment. It is a wonderful option to restore your oral health and improve your life. A dental bridge provides many benefits to patients including:
- Ability to chew foods as you would with natural teeth
- Restore clear speech which may have been compromised
- Maintain your facial structure
- Keep your natural teeth from shifting out of position.
If you are interested in learning more about a dental bridge for yourself or a loved one, be sure to contact our office, which is located in Burton, MI, to schedule an appointment. We look forward to speaking with you soon!