What Causes Damage To Your Tooth Enamel?

Would you believe that your tooth enamel is the strongest substance in your body? It makes sense that tooth enamel, the outer covering of your teeth, is the strongest substance in your body because it is used constantly. We eat numerous times a day, and our teeth are designed to withstand the abuse of chewing and biting. However, tooth enamel is not indestructible and can become damaged when not cared for properly.

Prevent a Dental Emergency this Fall

Fall is an exciting time for many families. Not only have children returned to school and families begin adjusting to a busier routine, but fall sports and activities are also underway. Nothing can ruin a fun time or exciting plans like a dental emergency. It always seems like an emergency happens at the worst time. We want to provide you with some ways to determine what is a dental emergency and how to prevent emergencies from occurring. Read on to learn more.

How Food Habits Affect Oral Health

There is the popular saying, “You are what you eat”. While it typically refers to the food you consume and how it affects your body, many people forget the effect your food choices and habits can have on your oral health. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, and everything you consume has to pass through your mouth. Each time you eat, there are food particles and bacteria that linger in your mouth, eventually turning to plaque. Your food choices and habits can greatly impact the level of bacteria in your mouth, leading to an increased risk of decay and other issues.

Are You Nervous?

Do you experience nerves before you visit our office? If so, you are not alone. Many patients experience some form of anxiety or fear before they visit the dentist. Our concern is when your feelings are keeping you from receiving the dental care you need to ensure you have proper oral health. Delaying routine dental appointments and recommended treatments can lead to additional decay, the need for more treatments, and dental emergencies. We want to share some helpful tips to help you relax before your appointment and while you are in our office. Read on to learn more.

Aftercare Is Important!

Do you have an upcoming treatment appointment or do you need to schedule a treatment that we recommended during your last visit? From the time of our youth, we have learned about the importance of following directions. The same applies to directions that we give following the completion of treatment. Whether you have a treatment appointment scheduled relatively soon or you are expecting to need a treatment in the near future, we want to share the importance of following our post-treatment care instructions. Continue reading to learn about the complications you may experience if you don’t follow our instructions.

Can Medications Affect Oral Health?

When we are prescribed medication, many times, we are thinking about the relief it will bring or how it may improve or lengthen our lives. Most people do not immediately think about the effect it can have on their oral health. We want to raise awareness about the fact that many medications, prescribed and over-the-counter, can have lasting effects on your teeth and mouth that can seriously impact the future of your oral health. Here are some of the common side effects as well as some tips to help your oral health:

Importance Of Following Treatment Directions

Do you have a procedure scheduled in our office in the near future? We offer a number of treatment options for our patients to restore their oral health as well as improve the function and appearance of their teeth. We know that, many times, patients have some nervous feelings about visiting our office for a procedure, and they are so focused on the treatment itself that they don’t really think about what needs to be done to prepare for treatment and the recovery after treatment is completed. While the procedure is extremely important and usually necessary, following our directions, before and after treatment, is imperative to ensure that results are as expected.

What’s That Smell? Is It My Breath?!

Are you concerned about how your breath smells and find yourself continuously keeping your distance when speaking with others? It is not uncommon to experience bad breath from time to time, especially after drinking a cup of coffee or eating a meal with lots of garlic. The problem is usually remedied after thoroughly brushing your teeth or even after eating a mint. The concern arises when you are continuously experiencing unexplained bad breath. This is an indication that something more serious may be occurring with your oral health. Interested in learning what bad breath means? Continue reading to find out more about the smell of your breath and what it can mean for your oral health.

Just A Friendly Reminder…

When was the last time you visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months or a potentially shorter recommended timeframe, we recommend calling soon to schedule your next appointment. We know that life is busy, and it always seems like work, family commitments, and activities creep in and take up your time. We encourage our patients to make an effort to put their oral health first. Delaying oral care can not only create the need for dental treatments, but it can also cause complications with your overall health. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of routine dental examinations.