Teenagers and Dental Health

Do you have a teenager in your life that you care for? If the answer is yes, then give yourself a pat on the back because you are dealing with one of the most difficult age brackets in a young person’s life. While every age has its unique challenges, teenagers begin to test the waters of adulthood and the boundaries. As we were all teenagers at one point, we can relate to the challenges of dealing with the first crush, mood swings, and finding your own identity. Along with all of these changes, teenagers are also now caring for their own hygiene, including their oral health. We want to share some helpful tips to ensure that your teen is properly managing their dental habits. Continue reading to learn more.

Are Dental Implants the Right Tooth Replacement Choice?

Have you recently had a tooth extracted and are trying to figure out the best tooth replacement method for your lifestyle? Or maybe you are tired of dealing with problem after problem with your teeth or dentures and are looking for a permanent fix. No matter what issue you are dealing with, dental implants are a wonderful solution to many dental problems.

Is Stress Affecting Your Oral Health?

This past year has been difficult for all of us. We have been living in a way that is strange and uncomfortable, whether your job has switched to being fully virtual, your children are now learning virtually, or you have had to figure out a work-life balance while being stuck at home. No matter what your situation, we know it hasn’t been easy. People who have never experienced stress or anxiety are feeling it for the first time. Without even speaking to our patients, we can often tell their stress level just by looking in their mouths. Are you interested to see how we can tell if you are experiencing stress or anxious feelings? Continue reading to find out.

I Need A Tooth Extracted. Now What?

The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to evaluate your oral health and move forward in a positive direction. If during your last examination you were warned about severe decay in a tooth, ignored the treatment plan, and then proceeded to overindulge in sweet treats over the past holiday season, not being very diligent about brushing and cleaning the tooth, there is a good chance that you might need that tooth extracted.

No Need to Panic: Solutions for Cracked Teeth

The dental enamel on the outside of your teeth is the strongest substance in your body. That being said, even the mighty can fall, and it is not uncommon for our teeth to get cracks from time to time. The culprit could be anything from chewing on a piece of hard candy, chomping away at a piece of ice, or even taking a tumble and banging your mouth during the fall. If you realize that you may have a cracked tooth, it is important not to panic.

One Word To Sum Up 2020

Stressful. If there was one word to sum up 2020, for many of us, it would be this word. Creating a new normal of working from home, virtual schooling, mask wearing, and toilet paper shortages has not come without challenges. With the holiday season upon us, we are in for more stressful times trying to manage the holiday season with new restrictions in place. Cancelled holiday parties, online shopping, smaller get-togethers with family, or maybe not seeing family this year, can definitely take a toll. With all of the changes and challenges of the past few months, it most likely has been difficult to make time for yourself. Read on to learn about the perfect opportunity to take time out of the daily grind to do something special for yourself and your smile this holiday season.

Extraoral Suction Machine

Do you remember back in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when all dentists temporarily closed their doors? It’s not a fond memory for our staff either, but we have reopened our doors with a number of safety measures and precautions in place to ensure that both our patients and staff are as safe as possible during treatment. In addition to our current measures and precautions, we are happy to announce that we have added more safety to the dental care we are providing.