Are Your Teeth Too Sensitive?

Do you find yourself tensing from discomfort in your teeth after eating ice cream? You may also notice this reaction if you drink something hot, such as coffee, and then immediately eat something cold, such as cereal with milk. When this occurs, you are experiencing tooth sensitivity. It is not uncommon to experience sensitivity from time to time, especially following certain dental treatments; however, when sensitivity is recurring, you may have a problem with your oral health and need to visit our office. In the meantime, we want to share some tips to help lessen the effects of tooth sensitivity issues.

Are Bleeding Gums Cause For Concern?

Have you noticed signs of pink or red when you floss or brush your teeth? If so, that is an indication you are experiencing bleeding gums. Almost everyone experiences bleeding gums from time to time, especially if food becomes trapped between the teeth or you brush and floss a little too vigorously. It is important to contact us at Today’s Dental Comfort if you notice your gums bleed frequently, as that can indicate an issue with your gums and overall oral health.

Do Something For Yourself This Month

It’s hard to believe that another holiday season has come and gone, and here we are starting 2023! We know that much of the holiday preparation was getting things ready for others, whether it was decorating, shopping, cooking, or entertaining. It may sometimes feel like much of your time is devoted to others. Now that we have entered a new year, it is time to do something for yourself! What goals do you have for yourself in terms of your oral health? Is there something with your teeth that you would love to improve? Not all enhancements to your smile must be dramatic. In fact, we offer one treatment that is simple yet effective and is popular among many of our patients. Continue reading to learn more.

The Importance Of Caring For Your Oral Health When Sick

We can’t believe that the winter season is upon us, the colder weather has arrived, and the new year is just around the corner. We know that our patients are busy preparing for the upcoming holiday season, and we would hate for anyone to fall ill during this time of year. Unfortunately, during these winter months, illnesses can easily make their way through families.

The Holidays Are Almost Here!

We don’t know about you, but we cannot believe that it is already November! It feels like we just rang in 2022, and now 2023 will be upon us before we know it. With the holidays right around the corner, are you considering making a change to your smile to show off during the upcoming festivities? Now is the perfect time to learn more about the treatments we provide that can make the changes you would like to see with your smile. Interested to learn more about how we can improve your smile for the holiday season? Read on to learn more.

What Causes Damage To Your Tooth Enamel?

Would you believe that your tooth enamel is the strongest substance in your body? It makes sense that tooth enamel, the outer covering of your teeth, is the strongest substance in your body because it is used constantly. We eat numerous times a day, and our teeth are designed to withstand the abuse of chewing and biting. However, tooth enamel is not indestructible and can become damaged when not cared for properly.

Prevent a Dental Emergency this Fall

Fall is an exciting time for many families. Not only have children returned to school and families begin adjusting to a busier routine, but fall sports and activities are also underway. Nothing can ruin a fun time or exciting plans like a dental emergency. It always seems like an emergency happens at the worst time. We want to provide you with some ways to determine what is a dental emergency and how to prevent emergencies from occurring. Read on to learn more.

How Food Habits Affect Oral Health

There is the popular saying, “You are what you eat”. While it typically refers to the food you consume and how it affects your body, many people forget the effect your food choices and habits can have on your oral health. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, and everything you consume has to pass through your mouth. Each time you eat, there are food particles and bacteria that linger in your mouth, eventually turning to plaque. Your food choices and habits can greatly impact the level of bacteria in your mouth, leading to an increased risk of decay and other issues.

Are You Nervous?

Do you experience nerves before you visit our office? If so, you are not alone. Many patients experience some form of anxiety or fear before they visit the dentist. Our concern is when your feelings are keeping you from receiving the dental care you need to ensure you have proper oral health. Delaying routine dental appointments and recommended treatments can lead to additional decay, the need for more treatments, and dental emergencies. We want to share some helpful tips to help you relax before your appointment and while you are in our office. Read on to learn more.