Meet a Valued Team Member – Samantha

March is a special month because we take the time to celebrate a very special, key group of team members in our office — our Dental Assistants. While the official celebration of Dental Assistants Recognition Week is during the first week of the month, we feel it is important to recognize our team all the time. We wanted to take some time this month to help you learn a little more about one of our dedicated dental assistants, Samantha.

What’s That Smell? Is It My Breath?!

Are you concerned about how your breath smells and find yourself continuously keeping your distance when speaking with others? It is not uncommon to experience bad breath from time to time, especially after drinking a cup of coffee or eating a meal with lots of garlic. The problem is usually remedied after thoroughly brushing your teeth or even after eating a mint. The concern arises when you are continuously experiencing unexplained bad breath. This is an indication that something more serious may be occurring with your oral health. Interested in learning what bad breath means? Continue reading to find out more about the smell of your breath and what it can mean for your oral health.

Bad Habits That Negatively Affect Your Oral Health

We all know what we should be doing daily to ensure that we have a lifetime of healthy teeth, such as thoroughly brushing twice a day and using dental floss regularly. However, you may be surprised to learn that certain things you do without realizing it are causing harm to your oral health and may eventually lead to discomfort or a dental emergency. We want to share some bad dental habits to be aware of and change:

Just A Friendly Reminder…

When was the last time you visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months or a potentially shorter recommended timeframe, we recommend calling soon to schedule your next appointment. We know that life is busy, and it always seems like work, family commitments, and activities creep in and take up your time. We encourage our patients to make an effort to put their oral health first. Delaying oral care can not only create the need for dental treatments, but it can also cause complications with your overall health. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of routine dental examinations.

Are Sensitive Teeth A Problem?

Do you find that you avoid certain hot or cold foods because they cause discomfort to your teeth? Do you feel uncomfortable when you brush your teeth and rinse using cold water? If you answered yes, then you are dealing with sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity is a common sensation that patients experience from time to time. However, when sensitivity persists, it is a warning sign that you may have an issue with your oral health.

Want To Start The Year Out Right?

Has your smile been getting you down and you are looking to make a change? Although winter is usually a time that we all hunker down at home to stay warm, it doesn’t mean you need to wait to change your smile into one you love. The winter season and the start of a new year is the perfect time to do something for yourself. We offer a popular, easy, and fast treatment that will change your smile into one that may be as bright as the snow outside. Continue reading to learn more.

Top Reasons You Should Replace A Missing Tooth

Have you recently learned you need a tooth extracted and are undecided if you are going to follow through with a tooth replacement? Did you perhaps lose a tooth some time ago and have postponed replacing it? We know that it can be upsetting when you lose your natural teeth, whether from decay, injury or illness. We encourage every patient to replace any and all missing teeth. It is not only best for your oral health, but it greatly improves your quality of life. Missing teeth can lead to numerous problems with your oral and overall health. Continue reading to learn more.

5 warning signs that you may have a serious oral health issue

Do you visit our office regularly for your hygiene examinations and cleanings? We recommend visiting our office every six months. During these visits our team will thoroughly clean your mouth, inspect for any signs of decay, and also check for other illnesses such as gum disease and oral cancer. Between dental appointments there are various warning signs you may notice in your mouth that are an indication you could have a serious issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Read on to learn more about these warning signs and how to help avoid any dental issues in the future.

Interesting Alternatives to Consuming Candy This Halloween

When October rolls around each year, many children, and adults too, rejoice over the abundance of candy available. Did you know that Americans purchase over 2 billion dollars worth of candy each Halloween season? While we know that our patients young and old love a sweet treat now and again, an abundance of candy and sugary foods during this holiday can lead to decay, discomfort and added dental costs. We have created a list of interesting alternatives in lieu of consuming Halloween candy once the magical day comes to an end and the bag or pillow case is emptied: