National Tooth Fairy Day

If you are thinking there are no special days to celebrate this August, we are here to tell you that you are wrong. While there are no major holidays this month, there is one special day that your children may be interested in learning more about — National Tooth Fairy Day! This special day is actually recognized twice a year, on August 22nd and February 28th. It is a day that celebrates young children losing their baby teeth and the special fairy who collects the teeth and leaves behind something special. Celebrating twice a year is significant because it’s a reminder that it is important for children to maintain routine oral hygiene examinations and cleanings with a dentist every six months.

Why Routine Care Is So Important

For many years, you have learned about the importance of maintaining a routine oral hygiene regimen. Many of our patients have been learning about proper brushing habits since their elementary school days. Even with all this oral hygiene education, we still see a number of patients who are not caring for their teeth properly. A lack of proper oral care can lead to regular dental decay as well as the development of conditions such as gum disease. Continue reading to learn more.

Are You A Candidate For Implants?

At Today’s Dental Comfort, we want every patient to love their smile. If you have recently experienced tooth loss or are dealing with severe decay and need a tooth replacement, you might be struggling with your feelings. When experiencing such high emotions, it can be difficult to make a decision on a tooth replacement option, but we are here to help. Our team will evaluate your situation and make a recommendation based on your needs, lifestyle and budget. One of our top recommendations is always dental implants due to the many benefits they offer to patients.

Aftercare Is Important!

Do you have an upcoming treatment appointment or do you need to schedule a treatment that we recommended during your last visit? From the time of our youth, we have learned about the importance of following directions. The same applies to directions that we give following the completion of treatment. Whether you have a treatment appointment scheduled relatively soon or you are expecting to need a treatment in the near future, we want to share the importance of following our post-treatment care instructions. Continue reading to learn about the complications you may experience if you don’t follow our instructions.

Can Medications Affect Oral Health?

When we are prescribed medication, many times, we are thinking about the relief it will bring or how it may improve or lengthen our lives. Most people do not immediately think about the effect it can have on their oral health. We want to raise awareness about the fact that many medications, prescribed and over-the-counter, can have lasting effects on your teeth and mouth that can seriously impact the future of your oral health. Here are some of the common side effects as well as some tips to help your oral health:

Get Your Invisalign® Questions Answered

Would you love to straighten your teeth but are not totally convinced about starting orthodontic care at this time in your life? We understand that embarking on the journey of orthodontic care is not only an investment financially, but also an investment of your time as well. Thanks to the advancements in technology and dental practices, we are able to offer an orthodontic option that is not only popular, but allows patients to straighten their teeth without many of the restrictions found with other options — Invisalign®. While you may have already heard of Invisalign, you probably have questions regarding treatment. Read on to learn some of the most popular questions and answers about Invisalign.

What To Know About Tooth Extractions

At Today’s Dental Comfort, we do everything we can to save your natural teeth. Unfortunately, however, that is not always possible. In these circumstances, we recommend a tooth extraction. A tooth extraction is the process of removing the entire tooth structure, including the root, from the mouth. A tooth extraction can bring forth a variety of emotions from patients. Aside from the common feelings of sadness and disappointment, many patients also feel uncertain and nervous about the process and the recovery.

Are You Missing Something?

Have you recently had a tooth extracted and are struggling to choose a tooth replacement option? We know that the entire process can be a bit overwhelming. Losing a tooth unexpectedly can be quite upsetting, and the process of choosing a tooth replacement option can be difficult as well. We want to help our patients make the best choice for their lifestyle. We offer a number of treatments that can restore your teeth and leave beautiful results. Continue reading to learn more about the tooth replacement options we offer.

Importance Of Following Treatment Directions

Do you have a procedure scheduled in our office in the near future? We offer a number of treatment options for our patients to restore their oral health as well as improve the function and appearance of their teeth. We know that, many times, patients have some nervous feelings about visiting our office for a procedure, and they are so focused on the treatment itself that they don’t really think about what needs to be done to prepare for treatment and the recovery after treatment is completed. While the procedure is extremely important and usually necessary, following our directions, before and after treatment, is imperative to ensure that results are as expected.

Take A Little Time To “Bond” With Your Dentist

Would you love to make a change to your smile but are unsure which treatment would be right for your needs? Even if you have a beautiful smile and you are only concerned with the appearance of one tooth, we can help. We offer a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments, and not every treatment needs to be a complete overhaul of your mouth. You will be amazed at how a small change can improve not only the appearance of your teeth, but your self-confidence as well. One minor treatment in particular can make a major change to your smile. Continue reading to learn more.